Monday, May 24, 2010

Copy Edit the World

"Web site" is not two words. The writer of this SJSU newspaper article should have written it as one word: website.

This sign should read "Most" instead of Mos. It was a chiropractor office by my work in the East Bay.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog 2: My Favorite Writing

My favorite writing comes from a book called, He's Just Not That Into You. The book was such a success that a movie was produced soon after. The writer is a male, so the book is written from his perspective. It is refreshingly funny, and also brutally honest.
The message is simple: Here are the signs that a man does not like you. It is intended for the dating woman who continues to make excuses for men who simply don't like them enough. The way the author presents each rule or lesson is clear and concise. His writing is very casual, which works for a book like this. I prefer writing that sounds natural, as if you can imagine the author speaking to you directly. This is exactly what the author did.
I absolutely cannot stand writing that uses unnecessary words and confuses the reader. In a book like this, where a man is giving women advice about men not worthy of their time, it's important to get to the point. The tone of this book is definitely humorous, which helps ease the pain for some women who are unwilling to accept the ugly truth about rejection.
I think this book was brilliant, and pretty on point. It's one of those books I can read over and over for a good laugh. Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book by author Greg Behrendt, "Cut your losses and don't waste your time . Why stay in some weird dating limbo when you can move on to what will surely be better territory? Don't want to hear it? Fine. Here's the answer you're looking for, "Hang in there, baby. He's not the loser everybody's telling you he is. If you wait and keep your mouth shut and call at exactly the right time and anticipate his moods and have no expectations about communication or your own sexual needs, you can have him!" But please don't be surprised if he dumps you or continues to drag you through a completely unsatisfying relationship."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Word of the Week: #1

1. Ardour (Ardor)

2. Source: Book by Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

3. "His face was flushed, his eyes bright with ardour and indignation."

4. NOUN: Feelings of great warmth and intensity.

5. Holding her child for the first time, the new mother felt nothing but ardour and amazement.

Blog 1: All About Me

Let's get the basics out of the way: My name is Sadia Mohammadi. I'm a senior approaching graduation in four months!!!! Can you feel my excitement? I am 24 years old. Don't ask me why I'm still in school, because I'm already on my way out, and it's too late to answer that now. My major is Broadcast Journalism, and it took me awhile to finally commit to it. It is a competitive field but that should never stop anyone from pursuing their dreams. There is a side of me that loves to write, think, and artistically create videos. There is also another side that loves to sleep in until noon and lay on the beach for the rest of the day. Of course, with full-time school and work, I haven't lived like that in quite some time.

My goals after graduation are simple: Find a job I love. Work for free. Prove myself to them. And travel the world to gain some insight on the different cultures, people, and beauty around me. When it comes to my dream job, it would definitely be CNN-related. Some people say I'm really shooting for the stars. I just call it a goal. In fact, I wish more people were passionate about what they wanted to do. Then, maybe we would have happier people roaming this Earth, and less cynical ones stomping on their own dreams.

I think of myself as a free spirit, open to new ideas and free from judgement. I believe in my religion of Islam and feel a deep spiritual connection to God. Even though I may not look like the stereotypical Muslim woman or follow all the rules, I'm pretty dedicated to my faith. I'm not perfect, but who here is?

I manage a spa, and out of all the jobs I've had, this one has been the most rewarding. I've matured into a professional, and have been pampered along the way. I definitely don't mind the free massages.

I'm ready to learn, ready to start my career, and ready to see the world.

Let me end on this note. As far as my writing style, it's a chameleon. Thanks to the amazingly talented teachers I've had in the Journalism program, I have learned to write for newspapers, television, magazines, and more. My personal favorite however, is my own style. Writing has always been my passion because the art of expressing yourself with the simplicity of a pen and paper is truly a gift. The only time I hate it is when I feel like my artistic freedom is being restricted. In other words, I HATE research papers. But what can I say? That's college for you.